

Marketing Manager

Unleashing Creativity: Highlights from Computer Fundamentals – Visual Graphic Design 24-25

Introduction Welcome to the world of Computer Fundamentals with a focus on Visual Graphic Design! This course was a vibrant journey of creativity, collaboration, and skill-building. Together, we explored essential graphic design principles while diving into fun and challenging projects that brought out the best in each student. The class was filled with learning moments, […]

City Life vs. Countryside Living: The Beauty and the Reality

three children riding bicycles

Hey readers! It’s me, Bemmy, your IT, artist, designer, and entrepreneur, Christian lady. Today, I want to share my thoughts on an intriguing topic that often comes up in conversations: the differences between living in the city and the countryside. Recently, I saw some beautiful photos on Facebook showcasing quiet, lush greens, farms, traditional food, […]

Insights from Elon Musk and Benjamin Netanyahu on Technology, AI, and Leadership

Elon Musk and Benjamin Netanyahu

Hey readers! It’s me, Bemmy, your IT, artist, designer, and entrepreneur, Christian lady. Today, I want to share my thoughts on a fascinating discussion between two influential leaders of our time, Elon Musk and Benjamin Netanyahu. As someone who admires geniuses and enjoys conversations about the world’s future, I found their talk about technology, AI, […]